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Zagrebački dizajner, Bojan Krištofić, održati će predavanje o superjunacima u utorak 20. 10. 2015. u 19 sati u Laubi. Krištofić se bavi pisanjem o vizualnoj umjetnosti, dizajnu i umjetnosti općenito, te samim dizajniranjem i ilustracijom. Surađivao je kao scenarist na emisiji „Strip u Hrvatskoj“ i prati hrvatsku stripovsku scenu. Ako želite saznati nešto novo ili dodatno o stripovima i stripovskim junacima, superjunacima, pridružite nam se ovog utorka u Laubi, mjestu gdje trenutno borave superjunaci i saznajte ponešto što o njima dosad niste znali.


Superheroji su svuda oko nas! Jesu li potekli sa stranica američkih stripova 30-ih godina prošlog stoljeća ili njihova pojava seže mnogo dublje, sve do antičkih mitova ili čak epa o Gilgamešu? Kako god, činjenica je da korpus priča o superherojima čini možda najpopularniju mitologiju popularne kulture, ispripovijedanu u stripovima, filmovima, računalnim igricama… Prostor ranije poznat kao SFRJ, a danas “region”, dao je toj bogatoj tradiciji itekako značajan, autohtoni prilog. Sjetimo se samo narodnih heroja i heroina, partizanskih boraca opjevanih u klasičnim žanrovskim filmovima, “partizanskim vesternima” – i stripovima (Partizani, Kapetan Leši, Diverzanti…). Prisjetimo se i autentičnih domaćih varijanti urbanih zapadnih boraca protiv zločina – Kobre, Cat Claw, Smogy Boya… A ne zaboravimo ni neke kasnije i današnje veličine – Protmana, Ratmana, Super Hrvoja, Lavandermana i Super Di… Zajedno ćemo proći kroz njihove dogodovštine i sastaviti galeriju “naših” superheroja i superheroina, ispitati kontekst i zaključiti koliko i kako oni govore o nama dok mi pričamo o njima.
– Bojan Krištofić

Posjetite predavanje i izložbu u Laubi koja je osim kuće za ljude i umjetnost postala i kuća za superjunake!

Vidimo se u utorak 20.10.2015. u 19:00h!

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Bojan Krištofić, designer from Zagreb, will hold a lecture about the superheroes on Tuesday October, 20th 2015. at 7pm in Lauba. Krištofić has specialized in writing about the visual arts, design and art in general, and thus designing and illustration . He worked as a writer on the tv-show ” Strip in Croatia ” and he is following the Croatian comic scene. If you want to learn something new or more about comics and comic heroes, superheroes – join us this Tuesday in Lauba, the place where superheroes are currently staying.

Superheroes are all around us! Are they originated from the pages of American comics of the 1930s , or their appearance goes much deeper, to the ancient myths or even the epic of Gilgamesh? However, the fact is that the corpus of the stories of superheroes makes perhaps the most popular mythology of popular culture, told in comic books, movies, computer games … The area formerly known as Yugoslavia, and today the “region”, had given a rich tradition of very significant, native contribution . Let us remember the national heroes and heroines, partisans from the classic genre films, “partisan Westerns” – and comics (Partisans, Captain Lesi, Saboteurs …). Let us remember authentic local varieties of urban fighters against crime – Cobra, Cat Claw, Smogy Boy … And let’s not forget some previous and today’s great characters – Protman, Ratman, Super Hrvoje, Lavanderman, Super Di … Together we will go through their adventures and compile a gallery of “our” superheroes and superheroines, examine the context and conclude how much and how they talk about us as we talk about them.

– Bojan Krištofić

Visit the lecture and the exhibition in Lauba, which besides being the house for people and art, has become a house for superheroes!

See you on Tuesday October 20th, 2015. at 7pm!