Lauba – Kuća za ljude i umjetnost predstavlja najnoviji projekt iz ciklusa „Hrvatska umjetnost danas“. Format koji je postao zaštitni znak Kuće Laube po prvi put predstavlja jedan performans. „No root, no fruit“ naziv je zajedničkog perfomansa dvije poznate umjetnice – jedne pjevačice i jedne likovne umjetnice. Upravo činjenica da se bave dvama različitim medijima nije bila njihova razlika, već je postala veza jer je objema bilo postavljeno isto pitanje. Jedna samo pjeva, a druga samo crta – zar ne?
Pozivamo vas da nam se pridružite na izvedbi 17.lipnja 2015. u 21:00.
So….. you are ONLY drawing?
Ljudi su skloni predrasudama i definiranju drugih oko sebe. Skloni su odlučivati u tuđe ime, iznositi mišljenje o stvarima za koje ih nitko nije niti pitao.
Predrasude bole. I iako te rečenice i poglede pokušavamo ignorirati, riječi se zavuku negdje duboko u nas, slabimo jedni druge potpuno nepotrebno ostajući tako na razini pojedinca, ne shvaćajući da u zajednici ipak jesmo jači.
Generacije i generacije gena prije nas proživjele su čitave živote skupljajući iskustva i rasteći do novih razina i baš zato, kad se te bolne riječi pokušaju uvući u našu unutrašnjost, treba znati kako ih blokirati. Svojim životom želim odati počast svim generacijama gena prije mene. Želim odati počast svojim bakama koje su bile snažne žene, odajem počast svojoj majci koja je još uvijek snažna žena. Između ostalog, jer mi svakodnevno daje primjer kakva trebam biti, koliko snage i iskrenosti može postojati u jednom biću i koliko nam to snage zauzvrat daje.
Stay true to yourself, and everything else will line up.
OKO, preuzeto iz izjave umjetnice
Autorica koncepta: OKO
Izvode: OKO i Severina Vučković
Produkcija: LAUBA – Kuća za ljude i umjetnost
Organizacija: Morana Matković / LAUBA – Kuća za ljude i umjetnost
LAUBA – People and Art House presents the newest project from the cycle “Croatian Art Today.” The format has become Lauba House’s trademark and for the first time Lauba presents a performance. “No root, no fruit” is the name of a collaborative performance of two well-known artists – one singer and one artist. The fact that they use two different mediums wasn’t their distinction, but a connection since they are both asked the same question. One only sings, and another only draws – isn’t that right?
So….. you are ONLY drawing?
People are keen to hold prejudice and define others around them. They tend to make decisions for others, express opinions on matters without anyone there to inquire.
Prejudices hurt. And although we try to ignore these sentences and glances, words can penetrate deep into us, we weaken each other while completely unnecessary keeping ourselves at the level of the individual instead of understanding that we are stronger as a community.
Generations and generations of genes before us lived the entire lives accumulating experiences and rising to new levels, which is why when these aching words try to get inside us, we need to know how to block them. With my life I want to pay tribute to all the generations of the genes before me. I want to pay homage to my grandmothers who were strong women; I pay tribute to my mother, who is still a strong woman. Among other things, because every day she stands as an illustration of what I should be, how much strength and genuineness can exist in a single being, and how much power it gives in return.
Stay true to yourself, and everything else will line up.
OKO, taken from artist’s statement
Authoress of the concept: OKO
Performing: OKO and Severina
Production: LAUBA – People and Art House
Organization: Morana Matković / LAUBA – People and Art House