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Marina Brkić rođena je 1985. godine u Požegi. Od srednje škole bavi se glumom u kazalištu i izradom tradicionalnog i dizajnerskog nakita. 2018. godine upisuje Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu, smjer kiparstvo, gdje je trenutno na diplomskom studiju. Kao studentica izlaže na skupnim izložbama, od kojih bi istaknula World Bienalle of Student Photography u Novom Sadu i Festival prvih u Zagrebu gdje je dobila prvu nagradu žirija za rad Land art. Sudjelovala je na međunarodnoj kiparskoj školi Montraker u Vrsaru, gdje joj je postavljena prva javna skulptura. Na četvrtoj godini preddiplomskog studija ljetni semestar provela je na studentskoj razmjeni u sklopu programa CEEPUS, na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje u Ljubljani.
U svom radu najviše se bavi reduciranjem forme, geometrizmom, procesualnošću i land artom. Zanima ju prošireno polje kiparstva i fotografija.
Marina Brkić was born in 1985 in Požega. Since high school, she has been acting in the theater and making traditional and designer jewelry. In 2018, he entered the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, majoring in sculpture, where he is currently a graduate student. As a student, she exhibited at group exhibitions, among which she would highlight the World Biennale of Student Photography in Novi Sad and the Festival of Firsts in Zagreb, where she received the first prize from the jury for the work Land Art. She participated in the Montraker international sculpture school in Vrsar, where her first public sculpture was installed. In her fourth year of undergraduate studies, she spent the summer semester on a student exchange within the CEEPUS program at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana.
In his work, he mainly deals with form reduction, geometrics, proceduralism, and land art. She is interested in the expanded field of sculpture and photography.