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August 2024
  -  2024

We opened the exhibition "Repetitions, Rehearsals, Stagings" by Split-based artist Glorija Lizde on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, at 8:00 PM. The exhibition is open until September 6 according to the following schedule: MON-FRI 09:00-17:00 SAT 11:00-17:00 SUN and holidays - closed Additionally, visitors to the Cinehill film screenings will be able to view the exhibition.

We invite you to the opening of an exhibition "Repetitions, rehearsals, stagings" by Split-based artist Glorija Lizde at Lauba. The exhibition will open on August 28th at 8:00 PM and remain open until September 6th, 2024.   "In this work, I explore the history of photographic representation of women in psychiatric institutions and the power dynamics between the photographer – doctor and the photographed – patients. The

SEDER & TADIĆ Y Gallery, Ljubljana July 11 – September 3, 2024.   On Thursday, July 11, 2024, the SEDER & TADIĆ exhibition by LAUBA opened in Ljubljana's Y GALLERY. Lauba - House for People and Art, for the hot summer in Ljubljana, has chosen the works of two Croatian artists of different generations and expressions - the excellent Đuro Seder and Marko Tadić. With vital, strong, and expressive

ARTIST TALK ON THE OCCASION OF THE OPENING OF THE LAIBACH EXHIBITION On the occasion of the opening of the exhibition AUSSTELLUNG! LAIBACH KUNST: Unternehmen Barbarossa + Assimilator, in Lauba, on June 28, 2024, starting at 7:00 p.m., an Artist Talk was held in which Ivan Novak (Laibach), George Chetwode (A/POLITICAL), Luka Ostojić (author of the exhibition preface), moderated by Ivana Dragičević (N1).  

On the occasion of the opening of Lauba's big summer exhibition AUSSTELLUNG! LAIBACH KUNST: Unternehmen Barbarossa + Assimilator, which opens on June 29 at 8:00 p.m., Lauba organizes an Artist Talk with the Slovenian cross-media group LAIBACH and the world-famous organization A/POLITICAL, whose collection includes one of the exhibited works - " Unternehmen Barbarossa”. Place: LAUBA Date: 28.06.2024. Time: 19:00 h The participants are Ivan Novak (LAIBACH)

Lauba's great summer exhibition this year is Laibach "AUSSTELLUNG! LAIBACH KUNST: Unternehmen Barbarossa + Assimilator” opens on June 29 The group Laibach records over 40 years of successful artistic provocations in all media and forms, in all areas and in every neuralgic point of the world, from the West to the Far East, from Nazism and fascism through socialism to capitalism, on both poles of